by Alexandra Gray | 23 May 2019 | Students in the Spotlight, Youth Voices
Their students earned a record number of prizes and reported on Rwanda in a webinar. Westover School wins this month’s “Decoder in the Spotlight” award. News-Decoder founder Nelson Graves leads a workshop on interviewing skills at Westover School in April 2019....
by Alexandra Gray | 15 May 2019 | Contests, News Decoder Updates, Youth Voices
Women’s rights, identity and mental health — social and political issues dominated winning entries in News-Decoder’s multimedia storytelling contest. Images from the winning stories in our contest. Six students on four continents have won prizes in...
by Alexandra Gray | 22 Apr 2019 | Greens Farms Academy, Students in the Spotlight, Youth Voices
Giavanna Bravo of Greens Farms Academy has won our “Decoder in the Spotlight” award for her multimedia contributions and leadership. Giavanna Bravo, Student Ambassador at Greens Farms Academy She produced a podcast, took charge of a webinar and guided her...