by Atiq Rahimi | 19 Aug 2019 | Asia, Eyewitness, Youth Voices
In Afghanistan, people love to express themselves on their cars. The messages range from the personal to political to philosophical. In Afghanistan, people love to write messages on their cars. Messages about all sorts of things — love, politics, philosophy, you...
by Atiq Rahimi | 7 Jun 2019 | Asia, Future of Democracy
Millions of children in Afghanistan work full or part time. After Kabul’s public transit system collapsed, a new form of work emerged: street shouting. A “little shouter” in Kabul, Afghanistan (Photo by Atiq Rahimi) Children all over Afghanistan work, and this...
by Atiq Rahimi | 27 Feb 2019 | Asia, Future of Democracy, Islam, Terrorism, United States, Women's rights
Afghanistan is in peace talks. Governance by the government would be bad, governance by the Taliban worse. Afghans must resist fundamentalism. (Photo by Atiq Rahimi) On the eve of Valentine’s Day this year, a well-known Afghan poet, Ramin Muzaher, recited one of his...
by Atiq Rahimi | 28 Jun 2017 | Asia, Islam, Terrorism
The movie industry in Afghanistan has a tumultuous history. Today, Afghan cinema and film-making are at an all-time low, with little hope of a revival. The Ariana cinema, which was badly damaged under the Taliban and later by a suicide bomber in 2010, in central Kabul...
by Atiq Rahimi | 7 Jun 2017 | Asia, Eyewitness, Islam, Terrorism
Wednesday felt like any other day. I was at my office desk when I heard a huge blast. Another deadly bombing in a never-ending war that saps all hope. This is the fifth and final contribution by a young reader following recent extremist attacks in Kabul and London....