by Christopher Alexander Gellert | 19 Feb 2018 | Discovery, Eyewitness, Personal Reflections
Many Americans make fun of my hometown, Cleveland. But people keep moving back, attracted by its quality of life. Watch out, New York and Chicago! Photo by Christopher Alexander Gellert All anyone can ever seem to remember about the U.S. city of Cleveland is that our...
by Christopher Alexander Gellert | 20 Jul 2016 | Americas, Discovery, Donald Trump, Eyewitness, United States
I’m from Cleveland, where Republicans have nominated Donald Trump as their presidential candidate. Farce has not yet descended into tragedy. The Barbarians are coming! I was not alone in this thought when I learned Republicans were descending on my dear...
by Christopher Alexander Gellert | 21 Jan 2016 | Africa
Mali Nyeta, a U.S.-based NGO, has built a school in Mali. It’s their mission to support the health and welfare of Africans, hungry for education. (All photos by Chris Hendershot) It takes a village. Seize opportunity when it knocks at the door. Love your...
by Christopher Alexander Gellert | 1 Sep 2015 | Youth Voices
“At the end of the summer, I felt I not only lived and studied in a foreign culture, but that I had become a part of that culture.” Name: Christopher Alexander Gellert Birth place: Cleveland, Ohio Age: 25 Occupation: English teacher, DuocUC in Concepción,...