by Isabella DeMarco | 23 Jul 2020 | Climate change, Indiana University, Student Posts, Youth Voices
Meat production contributes to global warming. Will the planet shift to plant-based meat to help avert catastrophic climate change? A conventional beef burger, left, next to a plant-based burger containing wheat protein, coconut oil and potato protein, Bellevue,...
by Isabella DeMarco | 2 Mar 2020 | Art, Indiana University, King's Academy, Podcasts, The Kids Are Alright, Youth Voices
In this episode of “The Kids Are Alright” podcast, American and Jordanian reporters examine how the art world is protecting culture and heritage. In this episode of the The Kids Are Alright podcast, American and Jordanian students learn more about what the...
by Isabella DeMarco | 13 Dec 2019 | Africa, Economy, Miss Porter's School, Podcasts, The Kids Are Alright
Young voters in South Africa aren’t as loyal to the ruling African National Congress as their elders. This could reshape the young democracy. podiumme · Episode 5 The Kids are Alright Democracy in South Africa In this episode of The Kids Are Alright, Leela Rosaz...