by Sue Landau | 9 May 2018 | Discovery, Eyewitness, Women's rights
“Free love” of the 1960s fueled the sexual revolution, which liberated many women but failed to end violence and inequality. #MeToo is a needed next stage. The author and her sister at a march in 1979 in favor of abortion rights(photo by Roy Cuckow ) This...
by Sue Landau | 4 May 2018 | Climate change, Decoders, Environment
It costs nothing to pollute. That has long been the driving force of our economy. But a movement is growing to change that calculus by putting a price on carbon. A traffic jam in New Delhi, India, 6 March 2018 (EPA-EFE/Harish Tyagi) This article is part of a...
by Sue Landau | 5 Feb 2018 | Discovery, Eyewitness
In an ancient forest in Europe, wolves, bison and lynx roam, while fungi and insects thrive in a conserved wonderland at the center of controversy. Snow drapes the reserve in Bialowieza Forest. (All photos by Sue Landau) To reach Europe’s last lowland wilderness, go...
by Sue Landau | 10 Aug 2017 | Climate change, Donald Trump
More and more studies are predicting climate disaster. Will the prophesies of doom lead to action to curb global warming — or to reckless hopelessness? A plane drops fire retardant over a forest on the outskirts of La Londe-les-Maures, France, 26 July 2017 (AP...
by Sue Landau | 21 Jun 2017 | Climate change
By Sue Landau Now that we have cheap renewable energy, a full-blown industrial revolution is waiting in the wings, propelled by the need to slow climate change. Just as the gasoline car banished horses and carriages from our roads, the electric car will drive its...