by Tania Bagan | 26 Jul 2017 | Europe, Identity, Immigration, Islam, United States, Women's rights
France takes a stricter stance towards the Islamic veil than the U.S. Yet despite legal protections, Muslim women still face discrimination in the U.S. Pakistani women hold a banner during a rally to mark World Hijab Day and show solidarity for Muslim women in France....
by Tania Bagan | 24 Jul 2017 | Europe, Future of Democracy
President Emmanuel Macron wants to restore France’s grandeur. But will the gestures of his first two months in power lead to concrete results? French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Arc de Triomphe, 3 June 2017. (EPA/...
by Tania Bagan | 18 Jul 2017 | Europe, Fake News, Future of Democracy, Media Literacy, Ukraine
Taking up arms against fake news, a team of experts in Europe’s capital is highlighting fake news peddled by pro-Kremlin news outlets. Rebel soldiers at the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, Eastern Ukraine, 20 July 2014 (EPA/ Robert Ghement) The...
by Tania Bagan | 12 Jul 2017 | Discovery, United States
The United States is the richest nation in the world with many millions of poor. I’m baffled more has not been done to spread this extraordinary wealth. A homeless person sleeps on a bench in Santa Monica, California, 10 May 2017.(EPA/Mike Nelson) Here’s a...
by Tania Bagan | 5 Jul 2017 | Guns in America, Student Posts, United States
I grew up in Europe and study in the United States. I ask myself: Just how serious is the U.S. problem with guns compared to other countries? Semi-automatic rifles on display in Webster, Texas, 15 March 2017. (AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane) This is the latest in a...