by Rachel Langalanga | 23 Oct 2019 | African Leadership Academy, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
What do we say about women who have their lives cut short because of violence? Why should we live in fear of what could happen to us as women? A woman demonstrates against gender violence, Johannesburg, South Africa, 13 September 2019 (EPA-EFE/KIM LUDBROOK) This poem...
by Maggie Fox | 3 Jul 2019 | Decoders, Health and Wellness, Human Rights, Women's rights
Abortion is wrapped up in politics in many nations including the U.S. But one in four pregnancies ends in abortion, making it a global health issue. A woman demonstrates for the legalization of abortion, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 28 May 2019 (Nicolas...
by Susan Ruel | 27 Jun 2019 | Americas, Health and Wellness, United States, Women's rights
What was it like in the U.S. before abortion was legal? A doctor recalls botched, amateur procedures and fears health risks if abortion is re-criminalized. A demonstrator favoring abortion rights holds a “Save Roe” sign, 1 July 2005, Washington, DC (EPA/Mike Theiler)...
by Gilda Temaj Marroquin | 12 Jun 2019 | Americas, Immigration, Personal Reflections, Refugees, United States, Women's rights, Youth Voices
I was raised in Guatemala, where I was expected to grow up fast and told that women are not meant to go to school. But I had other dreams. Children attend school in northern Guatemala, 1 July 2014 (AP Photo/Luis Soto) I come from Guatemala, where education is not a...
by Raghda Obeidat | 3 Jun 2019 | Islam, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
Women leaders in Jordan fighting for equal rights offer hope that feminism can be advanced without sacrificing our unique culture. Former U.S. First lady Laura Bush, center, meets Jordanian women leaders (from left) Dr. Amal Sabbagh, Malak Ghazal, Reem Abu Hassan,and...
by Raghda Obeidat | 22 May 2019 | Human Rights, Islam, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
For decades, Jordan has struggled to introduce reforms and prevent honor crimes — one of the uglier vestiges of colonialism. A Jordanian woman shows the name of her sister in a list of honor crime victims published by a human rights group in Amman, Jordan, 20 May 2000...
by News Decoder | 8 May 2019 | Africa, African Leadership Academy, Personal Reflections, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
I use the human race to play my evil game. I’m to blame for wife-beating, guns, bomb flames. I’m the infamous, rash, spirit of violence. By Chiro Awoke Ogbo Violence I am the model of a modern millennial demon A venomous venerated veteran of a special evil I’m held...
by Raghda Obeidat | 19 Apr 2019 | Contest winners, Identity, Islam, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
Many Westerners hold misconceptions about Middle Eastern women. They are not powerless, and Islam is compatible with women’s rights. Candidates wave during a rally ahead of parliamentary elections in Jordan, 2 September 2016. (EPA/Jamal Nasrallah) This is the...
by Masa Masri and Tara Tarawneh | 29 Mar 2019 | Eyewitness, Human Rights, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
A female face in a sea of mustaches and beards: We went looking to document women’s rights and found a street vendor selling bread in Amman. (All photos were taken in Amman, Jordan on February 14, 2019.) When we chose the topic of women’s rights for our photo...
by Susanne Courtney | 8 Mar 2019 | Human Rights, Women's rights
A damning report held UNAIDS leaders responsible for creating a culture of impunity and harassment. Why has the UN been so slow to respond? A woman writes the ‘#MeToo’ slogan on a placard during a rally against violence against women, 29 October 2017...