by Isabella DeMarco | 2 Mar 2020 | Art, Indiana University, King's Academy, Podcasts, The Kids Are Alright, Youth Voices
In this episode of “The Kids Are Alright” podcast, American and Jordanian reporters examine how the art world is protecting culture and heritage. In this episode of the The Kids Are Alright podcast, American and Jordanian students learn more about what the...
by Raghda Obeidat | 3 Jun 2019 | Islam, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
Women leaders in Jordan fighting for equal rights offer hope that feminism can be advanced without sacrificing our unique culture. Former U.S. First lady Laura Bush, center, meets Jordanian women leaders (from left) Dr. Amal Sabbagh, Malak Ghazal, Reem Abu Hassan,and...
by Raghda Obeidat | 22 May 2019 | Human Rights, Islam, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
For decades, Jordan has struggled to introduce reforms and prevent honor crimes — one of the uglier vestiges of colonialism. A Jordanian woman shows the name of her sister in a list of honor crime victims published by a human rights group in Amman, Jordan, 20 May 2000...
by Raghda Obeidat | 14 May 2019 | Contest winners, Economy, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Youth Voices
Jordan ranks among the world’s worst countries for women’s economic participation. A former cabinet minister speaks out on what must change. Jordanian plumber Maryam Mutlaq at a school in Zarqa, northeast of Amman, 21 March 2016 (AP Photo/Muhammed...
by Raghda Obeidat | 19 Apr 2019 | Contest winners, Identity, Islam, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
Many Westerners hold misconceptions about Middle Eastern women. They are not powerless, and Islam is compatible with women’s rights. Candidates wave during a rally ahead of parliamentary elections in Jordan, 2 September 2016. (EPA/Jamal Nasrallah) This is the...
by Zaid Alamarat | 18 Apr 2019 | Discovery, Identity, King's Academy, Middle East, Personal Reflections, Student Posts, Youth Voices
A Jordanian youth reflects on the tangible and intangible objects, the memories and values that he carries with him each day. A pupil’s backpack. (EPA/Pablo Gianinazzi) I carry my black Hawaii Y5 phone. It’s not the newest technology, but it satisfies me. I...
by Raghda Obeidat | 12 Apr 2019 | Contest winners, Immigration, King's Academy, Middle East, Refugees, Student Posts, Youth Voices
Jordan has long been a peaceful center in a tumultuous region. But the Syrian crisis has forced it to revisit a thorny social problem: child marriages. This article is the first of a six-part series on women’s rights in the Middle East. Winner of first prize in our...
by Masa Masri and Tara Tarawneh | 29 Mar 2019 | Eyewitness, Human Rights, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
A female face in a sea of mustaches and beards: We went looking to document women’s rights and found a street vendor selling bread in Amman. (All photos were taken in Amman, Jordan on February 14, 2019.) When we chose the topic of women’s rights for our photo...
by News Decoder | 6 Dec 2018 | Environment, Friends Seminary, Indiana University, King's Academy, Thacher School
By Joey Bowling Green roofs, sea walls, electric cars, new shower heads, solar panels — schools and local authorities are resorting to a vast range of strategies to reduce greenhouse emissions and brace for the potentially devastating effects of climate change....
by News Decoder | 25 Jun 2018 | Human Rights, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Women's rights, Youth Voices
By Muna Matouq New feminist movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp may be shaking up the Western world, but in other countries, women still live without the legal protection the West takes for granted. Jordan is a prime example of this, with one of the worst rankings in...