by News Decoder | 11 Jun 2018 | Identity, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Youth Voices
By Dania Abuhashish (King’s Academy) If you look at me closely, I am trembling and shaking. Three years ago, I would have already been cracking a couple of jokes. It’s surprising how much a person can change; they can go from A to Z just like that. As I grew up...
by Rand Al-Harahsheh | 29 May 2018 | Contest winners, Contests, Discovery, Eyewitness, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Syria, Youth Voices
When Syrian refugees started flooding into Jordan, citizens in my city were angry and concerned. But with time and investment, tensions have eased. Syrian refugee children at the Za’atari refugee camp near Mafraq, Jordan, 19 March 2014. (EPA/Jamal Nasrallah) This...
by News Decoder | 10 Nov 2016 | Americas, Donald Trump, King's Academy, Nationalism, United States
Young people in several countries share their anxieties and fears following Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election. Clinton supporters, New York, 9 November 2016 (by Enrique Shore) We asked several young followers of News-Decoder for their...
by News Decoder | 24 May 2016 | King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts, Syria
By William Watkins When Syrian armed forces recaptured the ancient desert city of Palmyra from the Islamic State jihadist movement in March, the world may have seen a turning point in the five-year-old war. Whether or not it was a watershed, important lessons can be...
by News Decoder | 12 May 2016 | Americas, Discovery, Europe, Greens Farms Academy, King's Academy, Middle East, Personal Reflections, Refugees, School Year Abroad, Student Posts, Syria, United States, Youth Voices
By Nelson Graves “We have to find a political solution, in offices and not with arms.” So said Evgenia Chatziadamido, one of four students from three continents who discussed the causes and effects of Syria’s civil war during a recent online round...
by News Decoder | 10 May 2016 | King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts
By William Close Behind closed doors in the Saudi capital Riyadh, consultants and government officials are developing policies to prepare the country for what until recently seemed unthinkable: an economy without oil. For decades, Saudi Arabia has been the world’s...
by News Decoder | 4 May 2016 | Economy, King's Academy, Middle East, Student Posts
This story was runner-up in the high school category in News-Decoder’s inaugural essay contest. By Aisha Malhas The flag of Jordan includes a white star with seven points, one for each of the seven hills on which the capital Amman was built. Today those seven...
by Nelson Graves | 25 Feb 2016 | King's Academy, Middle East, Refugees, Syria
There have been many failures in Syria, and youth need to find solutions to future conflicts, two women helping refugees tell a News-Decoder panel. Two Middle Eastern women helping Syrian refugees decried the failure of international institutions and governments to...