Newsplanner: Our thoughts on the week ahead

Newsplanner: Our thoughts on the week ahead

By Pauline Bock and Jasmine Horsey Here are our thoughts at the start of the week as we look at the global news landscape. We offer these reflections in hopes that our readers will send in their comments, suggestions, opinions — and in the best of all worlds,...

Newsplanner: Connecting the dots in the news

Newsplanner: Connecting the dots in the news

By Pauline Bock & Jasmine Horsey One of our roles as assistant editors at News-Decoder is to consider emerging themes around the world, to connect the dots between seemingly disparate events. Here are some of our thoughts at the start of the week about events and...

News-Decoder ambassadors

News-Decoder ambassadors

A special thanks to four young News-Decoder supporters for their work in promoting our mission: Rae Ellen Bichell, Catherine Cheney, Erin Devine and Alin Horj. Alin and Catherine are co-winners of our crowd-funding contest as one of two supporters who referred the...

Dreaming big and global

Dreaming big and global

She published a novel at age 20. A newspaper article she wrote recently has gone viral. She has just completed a double master’s in journalism from Columbia University in New York and Sciences Po in Paris. She has written for publications in France, Britain and the...

From Rawalpindi to New York

From Rawalpindi to New York

We last saw Anusheh Naveed Ashraf of Pakistan in a video alongside News-Decoder’s most senior supporter. Now Anusheh has received some very good news that deserves to be shared — she has won a Fulbright Scholarship to study in the United States. Anusheh’s success is a...

Need context on headlines? Read News Decoder!

Need context on headlines? Read News Decoder!

By Rae Ellen Bichell In the 1970s, 52 Americans were held hostage for over a year in Iran. Once upon a time, Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro were considered to be some swell dudes in the eyes of Americans. Venezuelan and American leaders have been squabbling long enough...

Bali: What’s the big deal?

Bali: What’s the big deal?

By Alan Wheatley On the face of it, the deal struck by global trade officials on the Indonesian island of Bali on December 7 was nothing to write home about. After nearly 10 years of talks, all they managed to do was to agree rules to speed up the passage of goods...
