By Nelson Graves
Today we published an article on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one of the world’s thorniest and most important issues.
The article is the fifth in our series of “decoders” that provide essential background to complicated global problems. Previously we tackled climate change, China, immigration crises and the U.S. political system.
In 600 words, these pieces are not meant to offer the last word on the topics. Consider them building blocks to help young people come to grips with critical but terribly complex issues.
We realize that by compressing and simplifying, we are leaving out details and nuances. We expect to return to these topics in coming weeks and months, and we hope that participants in the global forum we plan to launch later this year will examine the same issues through articles, photos, videos and events.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is highly controversial. News reports about the region are scrutinized by readers on all sides who are intensely eager to set the record — as they see it — straight.
Without fear or favor
In my nearly three decades as a journalist, I was involved in only one story that generated nearly the same level of angst among readers — relations between India and Pakistan. If I wrote one word wrong, I could count on being taken to task. Sometimes even if my words were correct.
It’s precisely these issues — the most intractable and the most polarizing — that the next generation of leaders needs to tackle if there is any hope in improving the world.
So we will examine these and other controversial issues, without fear or favor, as we grow News-Decoder. We will strive to be as fair and as impartial as possible. If we stray from the straight and narrow, we trust our readers will help us get back on track.
In coming days we will examine the 2016 U.S. presidential election and human rights. We have other topics in mind but are interested in what our readers think. To that end, we have put together an anonymous survey to collect views. Please take a couple of minutes to take the survey.
Readers may have noticed another addition to the News-Decoder file: mini-profiles of young people who are on track to make a difference in the world.
The first profile is of Jasmine Horsey, who interned at News-Decoder this summer. It is under the rubric “Snapshots“.
We want News-Decoder to be a forum for young people around the world who are eager to learn from each other and from experts. It should also be a showcase for the next generation of leaders.
Do you know a young person who deserves to be profiled? Then please put us in touch with them. It’s a great way to help to build our global community.
Thanks very much.