She published a novel at age 20. A newspaper article she wrote recently has gone viral.

She has just completed a double master’s in journalism from Columbia University in New York and Sciences Po in Paris. She has written for publications in France, Britain and the United States.

Meet Pauline Bock, News-Decoder’s intern.

Pauline Bock

Pauline will start her six-month internship in early July. The French national brings a great deal to our start-up, and we hope she will benefit greatly as she takes her next steps in the world of journalism.

Here’s how a world-renowned journalist started her letter of recommendation for Pauline: “Hire her.”

News-Decoder is aimed at young minds and needs the energy, skills and creativity of the millennial generation to fulfill our mission.

In our recent crowd-funding campaign, we pledged to focus on hiring young people to help shape our service and community. Pauline, who will be a paid intern, is our first hire.

We had two dozen candidates for the internship post from around the world — an outstanding pool. The strong field confirmed the appeal of News-Decoder’s mission.

Now it is time to deliver.

Here is Pauline’s view, one month before she starts her internship in Paris:

News Decoder is a unique project that brings together a vast network of international journalists and the next generation of leaders. I am a young journalist and a millennial — so News-Decoder sounds twice as promising for me.

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to build a new media service and to reach an audience of curious, young people who, like me, are interested in news about the world.

With my education in journalism in the United States, the UK and France, and my experience as a multimedia journalist, I hope to bring to News-Decoder an international and digital vision.

News-Decoder will spur a conversation about big news themes and offer context to tomorrow’s world leaders. Its exciting and inspiring plan to create a forum for dialog linking journalists, academic institutions and young minds makes it different from other media outlets.

Myself, I’m dreaming big and global. I want to convey news stories in French and English, to be a reporter and a writer who participates in an international conversation.

News-Decoder seems like a perfect start.

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