How is democracy faring around the world? What effect is it having on girls? News Decoder is teaming up with Miss Porter’s School in a global seminar.

“The State of Democracy and the Global Impact of the U.S. Presidential Election” will run for four weeks starting on October 17, with 90-minute virtual meetings with experts on four consecutive Saturdays, followed by 1-2 hours of asynchronous work between sessions.
Here is the schedule:
Oct 17 – The State of Democracy Globally
Oct 24 – Issues in the U.S. Election
Oct 31 – A Global View of the U.S. Election
Nov 7 – Post-U.S. Election Discussion: Healing a Divided Nation and a Divided World
Global seminar on democracy will help girls connect and learn.
This is the second four-week session in Miss Porter’s School’s new Global Seminar Series, which provides “an opportunity for high school girls globally to connect, learn and collaborate as they address pressing global issues that are relevant to their own lives.”
News Decoder is working with Miss Porter’s on this latest session on democracy, and three of our correspondents will participate in the program. Helen Womack will speak on a panel on the first day, highlighting her experience covering democratic revolutions and dictators in Russia, Belarus and Eastern Euope. Elaine Monaghan will contribute to the global view of the U.S. elections in the October 31 session that this author will moderate.
The first seminar series was devoted to the coronavirus pandemic. You can see highlights of that series here.
Here is how Miss Porter’s describes the newest seminar series:
“Do you want to learn about the state of democracy worldwide and the effect it is having on girls’ lives globally? Are you wondering what the impact of the U.S. election will be globally? Are you wondering how other countries are viewing the U.S. election? Would you like to feel empowered to help shape this changing world and to connect with teenage girls from around the world to work collaboratively towards developing solutions? Do you want to discuss the current status of democracy in your country and talk to others about the realities in their countries?”
Teams will pitch solutions.
A limited number of girls from around the globe will participate in the seminar series, which will conclude with teams of girls pitching solutions to help unite a divided world.
Anyone interested can learn more about the program, which is free of charge, and register here:
You can address any questions to Sophie Paris, director of the Institute for Global Education at Miss Porter’s, at
News Decoder is delighted to support this global seminar series and hopes girls around the world will take advantage of this opportunity.