Humans were once on track to destroy Earth’s ozone shield. Collective action averted disaster. Global warming demands the same global cooperation.

We’re all frustrated at the inability of governments to take necessary measures to tackle climate change. Drastic actions are needed, such as putting an end to fossil fuels and setting a price on carbon.

COP26 gave us hope for our future, but we are still far from where we need to be. We might feel that this ecological crisis is impossible to stop.

But in the midst of despair, we can reflect on how our determination in the recent past to improve our standard of living triggered what could have ended in a global catastrophe. Instead, the potential crisis was dealt with by bringing the world together.

In this video, we will introduce you to ozone depletion — which almost led to disaster — in an easy and interesting way. You’ll see that attaining ecological stability is achievable with knowledge and cooperation. 

(The music in the video is by Henrik Skäringer of the European School of Brussels II.)


Tereza Epps is a third-year student at the European School of Brussels II. British and Slovak, her favorite subjects are Chemistry, Biology and Physics. She enjoys dancing, animals and learning, and in the future looks forward to helping people, animals and the planet in some way.


Maya Blenkinsop is a third-year student at the European School of Brussels II with dual British-Canadian citizenship. Blenkinsop is specializing in Biology and Chemistry and enjoys public speaking. She hopes to study Biomedical Sciences and combine her passion for science with her communication skills.


Esther Le Bot Gautier is a third-year student at the European School of Brussels II. A French national, she enjoys playing the cello and drawing. She is a member of the Climate Academy, a group of students and teachers who build awareness about climate change at different schools. Its goal is to promote the understanding of systemic issues behind global warming.

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Climate changeHumans halted ozone depletion. Now let’s end global warming.
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