News Decoder
Guns in AmericaHere are the issues I plan to tackle this summer

Last week we asked readers what topics you think I should write about during my six-week internship here in Paris. After hearing your suggestions, I’ve pinpointed issues to cover in coming weeks.

Yes, we listen to our readers!

Several of you suggested I focus on major, international issues that reappear regularly in the news. With that in mind, I will be writing several “decoders” — articles that offer historical background on critical events and which explain why the events behind the headlines really matter to people around the world.

One reader suggested I write about attitudes toward guns. Indeed, while gun violence features regularly in headlines in the United States and some other countries, it’s not the same all over the world. A decoder looking at attitudes and legislation relating to fire arms in different regions of the world could be extremely useful. I am looking forward to refining my research skills while working on this decoder.

Another reader recommended I write about Emmanuel Macron, so I will practice my French interviewing people in Paris about their opinions and expectations of the newly elected president. It will be exciting to get out into the streets — to be on the front line of journalism — and to find out what people expect of Macron now that the political upstart has been elected and won a large governing majority in parliament.

Learning to be selective and efficient

Another reader suggested that I simply write about what most interests me. Which brings me to immigration.

I’ve lived in Italy and in the United States, and this is my second summer in France. I am struck by how citizens in different Western nations view immigrants differently, and how racial relations play out differently. So I’d like to write an article that underscores the similarities and differences between countries’ approaches to immigration.

While at News-Decoder, I’ll have to take into account ongoing events. Currently I am writing a decoder on tensions between Qatar and its Gulf neighbors. This story, like many others for young people, falls into the category of “I know it’s important but just why?” Decoders help youth connect the dots as news breaks around the world.

(Decoders are not easy to write! Reading up on relations in the Middle East has proven quite confusing, but I’m learning to be selective in the retention of information and more efficient, I hope, in boiling down what I have learned into simpler terms.)

I’m excited to gain experience in journalism this summer and look forward to sharpening my writing, researching and editing skills while furthering News-Decoder’s goal of offering reliable, impartial and clear news to young adults around the world.

Hopefully in the next six weeks I will learn a great deal as I write and can encourage other millennials around the globe to pursue writing for News-Decoder as well!

Tania Bagan is News-Decoder’s summer intern. She grew up in Venice, Italy, and now attends Haverford College in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Later this year she will be entering her final year, studying Comparative Literature. She is a staff writer at Haverford’s Communications Department.

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