Individual acts to shrink our carbon footprint are fine. But to prevent a climate disaster on Earth, governments must pass laws to cut carbon emissions.

The numbers are shocking.

In just seven decades, our population has more than tripled, and our ability to manufacture high quality goods has exploded. While all of our economic growth looks great at first glance, it actually comes with a huge hidden cost. A cost that has started to break through to the surface.

We are facing a crisis that is a threat to our civilizations and the planet we live on. If we don’t slam the brakes on our CO2 emissions now and reduce our extraction of resources from the Earth’s crust, all of humanity’s progress will crash — with dire consequences. If we keep breaking through planetary boundaries, we will destabilise everything.

Governments need to pass laws to save the Earth.

Being educated about the Great Acceleration — a concept we explain in the podcast — is essential when it comes to understanding the pace and depth at which we are changing our planet. You have a right to know the truth, so we have made a podcast with an important slice of it.

Climate change is an urgent matter, and governments need to take real action immediately if we want to avoid the devastating tipping points that could be triggered with a rise in average temperatures of 1.5°C to 2.0°C. In this podcast, we argue that the solutions have to be systemic because the problems are too… just click play for the details and the evidence.

Three questions to consider:

  1. What is the Great Acceleration?
  2. What commitments has your country made, if any, to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Accord?
  3. Do you think we can continue to grow the global economy and simultaneously stave off a climate disaster?
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Gustav Paulander is a 16-year-old student at the European School Brussels II who was born in Stockholm. He wants “governments to enforce laws to stop climate change.”
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Henrik Skäringer is a 16-year-old Swedish student at the European School Brussels II. He attends the Climate Academy “because I want to do whatever I can to fight climate change.”
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Thomas Winship is a 15-year-old dual national of Finland and the UK attending the European School Brussels II and the Climate Academy.
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Climate changeListen: We need laws, not just personal acts, to save Earth
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