A migrant crawls under a fence as he attempts to access the Channel Tunnel in Calais, northern France, Saturday, Aug. 8, 2015.  Some thousands of migrants have been crossing fence border controls near the Channel Tunnel linking France and Britain, trying to board freight trains or trucks destined for Britain. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

A migrant crawls under a fence as he attempts to access the Channel Tunnel in Calais, northern France, 8 August 2015. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

By Pauline Bock and Jasmine Horsey

Here are our thoughts at the start of the week as we look at the global news landscape.

We offer these reflections in hopes that our readers will send in their comments, suggestions, opinions — and in the best of all worlds, their articles, photos, videos or — why not? — audio recordings!

Migrant crisis in Calais: France and Britain are accusing each other of mishandling an immigration crisis. There is a long and complicated history of migration between Britain and France. There are immigration crises around the world: in the Andaman Sea and the southwestern United States with a surge in migrants trying to cross the Mexico-Texas border. How should countries respond to the flow of migrants? How should neighboring countries share the responsibility?

U.S. Politics: Donald Trump has dominated headlines since the first debate between Republican Party candidates for the U.S. presidency. We are in the market for an article on what the election could mean for U.S. foreign policy, and will soon be publishing a piece explaining the basics of U.S. politics.

70-year anniversary of Hiroshima: Hiroshima was the first target of nuclear weapons in warfare. Seventy years later, what are the prospects for efforts to control the spread of nuclear weapons? Is the world safer or more dangerous with such weapons?

Killing of journalists in Mexico and freedom of press around the world: Photojournalist Rubén Espinosa was recently killed in Mexico, and according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, 38 journalists have been killed in the world in 2015. According to the press freedom organisation Article 19, Mexico is now the most dangerous place to be a journalist in Latin America. How free has the press been historically in Mexico? Where are the most dangerous places to work as a journalist worldwide?

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