by David Schlesinger | 20 Dec 2021 | China, Culture, Economy, Educators' Catalog, Politics, World
Social media memes are at the forefront of the latest form of passive resistance against China’s grinding work culture. “Lying flat” meme. I’m supposed to write a piece for News Decoder, but if I were a hip young Chinese, maybe I’d just “lie flat”...
So much reporting about China by Western journalists focuses on the Communist Party, human rights and economic growth, that it is refreshing to read an account by an “old China hand” that explores a quiet rebellion by Chinese youth expressed in purposefully ambiguous social media memes. Lying flat, touching a fish, being Buddha-like and saying “Whatever” sound innocuous enough, but they belie deep disenchantment among many young Chinese over “the relentlessness that has driven the economy to growth rates far faster than any developed country in the West,” as David Schlesinger puts it. Schlesinger’s account is all the more relevant as many young people outside China, fed up with COVID-19, are deserting the workaday world for a time out.
Exercise: Ask students to list their main grievances and what they can do about them.
by Malcolm Davidson | 23 Nov 2021 | Climate change, Environment, World
The COP26 climate summit offered scant relief to developing nations. If political will for a grand bargain is lacking, can solutions emerge to save Earth? A man wades through a flooded area of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10 August 2020. (EPA-EFE/MONIRUL ALAM) Wildfires, floods...
by Nelson Graves | 6 May 2021 | Art, Faculty in the Spotlight, News Decoder Updates, Westover School, Women's rights
How can a photography class make better global citizens? Caleb Portfolio of Westover School helps students discover themselves and the world. Caleb Portfolio Caleb Portfolio teaches photography and video at Westover School. That means he teaches certain necessary...
by Lucy Bird | 12 Apr 2021 | Americas, Art, Contest winners, Contests, Educators' Catalog, Human Rights, Student Posts, Westover School, Youth Voices
Inspired by Black Lives Matter protests, I offer a photo essay as a haunting reminder that the fight continues decades after the Civil Rights Movement. This story won a third prize in News Decoder’s Ninth Storytelling Contest. With my photography project, I...
The Black Lives Matter movement has stirred young people around the globe and raised hopes that racism and police brutality against Blacks can be curbed. For many elders, the hopes are tinged by nagging fears that a generation from now race relations will remain strained and injustices will persist. Lucy Bird, a 17-year-old student at Westover School, captures those worries in her haunting series of photos that juxtapose iconic images from the U.S. Civil Rights Movement with glimpses from BLM protests.
Exercise: Ask your students to apply their photo skills to create a visual essay that manipulates existing photographs to capture their concerns about the future.