by Elizabeth Tina Fornah, Imane El Amri, Yvan N’guettia and Varlee Fofana | 20 Apr 2021 | Africa, African Leadership Academy, Health and Wellness, Student Posts, Youth Voices
South Africa has had more cases of COVID-19 and more deaths than any African country. We asked students in South Africa how it has affected them. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit South Africa hard. It is the African country with the highest number of cases (1,566,769)...
by News Decoder | 16 Apr 2021
Coming soon: students from The African Leadership Academy and The Hewitt School will meet for a one-hour webinar to discuss COVID-19 and Healthcare from their geographical perspectives.
by Penelope Flouret | 15 Apr 2021 | Americas, Donald Trump, Hewitt, Sport, Student Posts, Youth Voices
COVID-19 has hit businesses and tourism hard. But when New York said it would close a famous ice rink, Serena Sabet fought back — and won. This is the first of five articles by students at The Hewitt School in New York City about how COVID-19 has affected that city...
by Amie Tsang | 8 Apr 2021 | Health and Wellness, University of Toronto Journalism Fellows
By cutting the supply of nutritious food and curbing mobility, the COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated eating troubles among youth around the world. Pablo, 11, sits in his hospital room while being treated for severe eating disorders, exacerbated by the COVID-19...
by Alistair Lyon | 29 Mar 2021 | Conflict, Educators' Catalog, Human Rights, World
A civil war in Yemen marked by foreign meddling has created an unparalleled humanitarian disaster with no end in sight, even if a truce were agreed upon. A malnourished child waits to be fed at a hospital in Sana’a, Yemen, 21 March 2021. (EPA-EFE/YAHYA ARHAB) A...
News Decoder is backed by dozens of veteran correspondents who have covered many of the world’s biggest and most complicated stories of the past half-century. Mentors to students in our partner schools, the correspondents are experts in their own right in many of the world’s most intractable and consequential issues. Cutbacks in spending on foreign news means some big stories don’t receive the attention they deserve in mainstream Western media. But Alistair Lyon, a former Middle Eastern diplomatic correspondent for Reuters, won’t let News Decoder readers forget the humanitarian disaster underway in Yemen. Have your students read this article to learn about the complex conflict gripping Yemen and ask them to identify other ongoing humanitarian crises that are not grabbing headlines.