by Atiq Rahimi | 19 Aug 2019 | Asia, Eyewitness, Youth Voices
In Afghanistan, people love to express themselves on their cars. The messages range from the personal to political to philosophical. In Afghanistan, people love to write messages on their cars. Messages about all sorts of things — love, politics, philosophy, you...
by Bernd Debusmann | 24 Jan 2019 | Terrorism
Fewer people are being killed by terrorism. But more countries are being hit, and more and more people consider violence against civilians justifiable. Roses on a sports shoe, next to a trail of blood, outside a music club in Paris, France, where 90 people were killed...
by Marshall Cartwright | 24 Oct 2018 | Fake News, Future of Democracy
We gossip today as people gossiped centuries ago. But the volume and speed of information overwhelm us — the downside of the digital revolution. “Flemish Proverbs,” by Pieter Brueghel the Younger (Wikimedia Commons) The year is 1789. You and I pace under a large...
by News Decoder | 28 Mar 2018 | Discovery, Personal Reflections, Technology
By Marshall Cartwright While commuting to class recently in Paris, I sat on the train watching a parade of dancing thumbs march in unison through their respective digital playgrounds. In 2018, this is an everyday observation for people all around the world. In the...
by News Decoder | 22 Apr 2016 | Uncategorized
By Nelson Graves We’re building a global community at News-Decoder. To succeed, we need your help. We’re a not-for-profit working on a shoe-string budget — in start-up lingo, we’re lean. Our marketing strategy, for now, is simple: We count on...