by Lizan Nijkrake | 3 Jun 2020 | Health and Wellness, Human Rights, University of Toronto Journalism Fellows, Women's rights
The world was making progress in curbing female genital mutilation, a rite of passage to womanhood in many countries. COVID-19 is setting back those efforts. A six-year-old girl screams in pain while being cut in Somalia, 17 June 1996 (AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju) Rhobi...
by Ben Barber | 3 May 2019 | Africa, Americas, Asia, Eyewitness
Female genital mutilation persists in many countries. While efforts to curb the rite are progressing worldwide, the practice has gained ground in the U.S. A six-year-old girl screams in pain while being cut in Somalia, 17 June 1996 (AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju) The...
by Nelson Graves | 8 Oct 2015 | Africa, Middle East
Conventional wisdom can be comforting, but it can also be an easy way out. We want to challenge moral assumptions. Last week we wrote about female genital cutting in Uganda and laid down a challenge to readers. We said: Help the Sabiny people end...
by Nelson Graves | 2 Oct 2015 | Africa, Women's rights
Our article on female genital cutting has attracted global interest. Now’s your chance to propose an alternative to this age-old rite. A six-year-old girl screams while being cut in Somalia, 17 June 1996. (AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju) Earlier this week,...
by Pauline Bock | 29 Sep 2015 | Africa, Human Rights, Women's rights
Young girls in an ethnic group in Uganda have undergone genital cutting for generations. An NGO is working to end the practice and empower girls. A six-year-old girl screams while being cut in Somalia, 17 June 1996. (AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju) Esther Chebet recalls...