by Stella Mapenzauswa | 11 Aug 2022 | Africa, Economy, Educators' Catalog, Politics
One out of three young Africans is unemployed, and the youth population will double by 2050. How can Africa create jobs for the young and avoid unrest? A man holds a poster marking South Africa’s Youth Day holiday in Soweto, South Africa, 16 June 2020. (AP...
Marshaling official reports and authoritative data, correspondent Stella Mapenzauswa lifts the lid on one of Africa’s biggest challenges – youth unemployment. On a continent as large and diverse as Africa, it can be perilous to generalize across borders, but Mapenzauswa puts her finger on a problem that threatens numerous governments and societies there. Not satisfied with merely identifying the problem, the experienced journalist from southern Africa glimpses a solution in “hustling” – young Africans using whatever skills they have to earn money as entrepreneurs. Some of the best journalism identifies both problems and solutions.
Exercise: Ask your students to identify a critical problem facing their local community, assessing its economic and social impact, and then to list possible solutions and the attendant costs.
by Bryson Hull | 19 Feb 2020 | Africa, Americas, Donald Trump, Media Literacy
Donald Trump has disparaged African countries in no uncertain terms. Why, then, does he keep meeting Kenya’s leader in the White House? Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta (L) shakes hands with U.S. President Donald Trump in the White House, Washington, DC, 27...
by Lily Annenberg | 7 Nov 2019 | Africa, Contest winners, Student Posts, Thacher School
Poachers trading ivory are threatening Africa’s elephants with extinction. I shot a film showing how dogs are stemming the flow of illegal ivory in Kenya. This story won honorable mention in News Decoder’s recent Storytelling...
by Nick Trombola and Frederic Musisi | 17 Dec 2018 | Africa, Climate change, Eyewitness
There’s no shortage of good will to help Africans cope with the effects of global warming. But climate aid is often misdirected — or never reaches target. An irrigation project in Karamoja, Uganda (Photo by Nick Trombola) After an intense drought in early...
by Nick Trombola | 13 Dec 2018 | Africa, Climate change, Eyewitness
(All photos by Nick Trombola)By Nick Trombola Three out of four East Africans live in rural areas. For them, water is a necessity, but increasingly scarce. Finding water that is both abundant and drinkable is often a daily chore, especially for herders tending to...