by Johanna Bandler | 30 Mar 2017 | Europe, Future of Democracy, School Year Abroad, Student Posts
Populist opponents of the European Union are fired up, EU supporters more complacent. Impassioned euro-skeptics will cause the EU to collapse. “The collapse of the EU,” by Yesenia Mozo This is the second of three articles on the European Union by students in the...
by News Decoder | 20 Mar 2017 | Europe, Future of Democracy
This is part of a series of News-Decoder articles on elections in Europe. By Robert Holloway France goes to the polls next month to start choosing a new president with a method that would have pleased the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. On April 23, French voters...
by Lukas Jansen | 9 Mar 2017 | Europe, Future of Democracy, Student Posts
France will elect a new president this spring. Here’s a run-down on the four leading candidates and their key policy positions. (Photo courtesy of EPA) This is part of a series of stories by students at King’s College London on France’s presidential...
by News Decoder | 8 Mar 2017 | Europe, Future of Democracy, Student Posts
This is part of a series of articles by students at King’s College London on France’s presidential election and on major political issues in Europe and the United States. By Justine Guérin Politics are changing around the globe, and France is no exception...
by News Decoder | 7 Mar 2017 | Donald Trump, Europe, Future of Democracy, Student Posts
This is part of a series of articles by students at King’s College London on France’s presidential election and on major political issues in Europe and the United States. By Clara Piacenza Far-right leader Marine Le Pen is a candidate who cannot be counted...