by Nick Trombola and Frederic Musisi | 17 Dec 2018 | Africa, Climate change, Eyewitness
There’s no shortage of good will to help Africans cope with the effects of global warming. But climate aid is often misdirected — or never reaches target. An irrigation project in Karamoja, Uganda (Photo by Nick Trombola) After an intense drought in early...
by Nick Trombola | 13 Dec 2018 | Africa, Climate change, Eyewitness
(All photos by Nick Trombola)By Nick Trombola Three out of four East Africans live in rural areas. For them, water is a necessity, but increasingly scarce. Finding water that is both abundant and drinkable is often a daily chore, especially for herders tending to...
by Nick Trombola | 19 Dec 2017 | Africa, Human Rights, Identity, Indiana University, Student Posts, Youth Voices
Joseph Kawesi is a transgender woman who risks prison for her gender identity. But she fights for her rights and those of Uganda’s LGBTQ community. Joseph Kawesi sits in her small home in a Kampala slum. Days before, this space was ransacked, apparently due to...
by Barry Moody | 27 Apr 2017 | Africa
Many African countries have cast off the painful legacy of colonialism. But Congo remains mired in horror, violence, corruption and misgovernment. The body of a man killed during election protests lies in the street, in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 19...
by News Decoder | 29 Mar 2016 | Africa
Sruthi Gottipati is a News-Decoder ambassador and last year was featured in a snapshot profile. This article was originally published on The Development Set on Medium. By Sruthi Gottipati A group of villagers marched into their local health clinic in central Uganda...