by Alan Wheatley | 27 Aug 2018 | Asia, China
China’s rise is one of the striking developments of our age. Global well-being hinges in part on the answer to this question: Can China sustain growth? A woman pushes a tricycle loaded with wood along land under development in Beijing, China, 29 October 2007...
by David Schlesinger | 9 Jul 2018 | Asia, China, Donald Trump, United States
By David Schlesinger Is it China’s century? Or is China a sclerotic, debt-laden behemoth on the verge of collapse? Is China an engine for world prosperity, first manufacturing goods for the globe, and then, with new wealth, becoming a great consumption colossus,...
by Alan Wheatley | 27 Oct 2017 | Asia, China, Globalization
Chinese leader Xi Jinping has strengthened his grip on power, with far-reaching consequences for China and the world. Chinese President Xi Jinping, center, presides over the opening ceremony of the 19th Party Congress, Beijing, 18 October 2017 (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)...
by News Decoder | 29 Oct 2015 | Asia, China, Europe
By Jane Macartney President Xi Jinping is arguably the most powerful Chinese leader since Chairman Mao and certainly the first to foster a similar personality cult. He must have relished burnishing his image last week by riding through London with the Queen in a...
by Sue Landau | 15 Oct 2015 | Climate change
Hopes for an agreement at a global climate summit in Paris are rising. But will it be enough to stave off disaster? An Indian villager walks over parched land, 2 May 2009 (AP Photo/Biswaranjan Rout, File) The presidents of the United States and China have outlined a...