by Deborah Charles | 5 Jan 2022 | Decoders, Economy, Politics, World
Sanctions have been a foreign policy tool since ancient Greece. Nations are increasingly using sanctions, even if they fail more than they succeed. Afghan protesters demand the unfreezing of central banks assets abroad, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 2 January 2022....
by Julian Nundy | 19 Apr 2021 | Eyewitness, Future of Democracy, Human Rights, Politics, World
Since 2007, I’ve been an official election observer. It’s grueling work but strengthens trust in democracy and keeps a lid on electoral fraud. A rally of the Ata Meken party in Jalal-Abad province, southern Kyrgyzstan, in 2015 (photo by Julian Nundy) It...
by Amari Leigh | 9 Jul 2019 | Discovery, Eyewitness
Maggie Fox witnessed the toppling of a president and war in the Balkans. For this News-Decoder correspondent, journalism “is the coolest job ever.” Fox holding a T-shirt reading “Another Meddling Foreign Journalist” in the Philippines in 1986 This is the...
by Colin McIntyre | 11 Apr 2016 | Africa, Europe
By Colin McIntyre A 40-year jail sentence for genocide handed down to former Bosnian leader Radovan Karadžić last month draws a line under one of Europe’s darkest periods since the end of World War Two. The case also brought into sharp focus the thorny issue of...
by News Decoder | 23 Nov 2015 | Refugees
Name: Yuki Onogi Birth place: Tokyo, Japan Age: 29 Occupation: Broker/Analyst at SG Americas Securities LLC Languages: Native Japanese, English, former Serbo-Croatian (BCMS), Polish, Russian and bad Italian Currently reading: “Tulipomania” by Mike Dash Q:...