Helping students combat climate change through journalism, activism and art

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A sketch of “The Writing’s on the Wall,” by Amélie Zimmermann

The Writing’s on the Wall (WoW) is a joint project of News Decoder and the Climate Academy at the European School Brussels II that will create innovative resources and strategies for schools across Europe and the world to integrate climate science into their teaching.

Funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program, the project addresses the lack of resources and limited strategies for schools to integrate climate change education into teaching by offering students and educators the opportunity to participate in a fun, fact-focused initiative combining activism, journalism and art.

WoW is aimed at secondary school students and educators. It is particularly appropriate for students aged 15 to 18, although the concepts and resources can be adapted to younger or older students too.

From October 2022 to July 2023, participating schools can access thought-provoking workshops on climate issues, interactive webinars with experts, professional development for educators and student training in journalism and multimedia, including a storytelling competition. All project materials will be available on an open access webspace.

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2022-23 Timeline of Activities

  • Oct–Nov: Orientation & climate science workshops (live & recorded)
  • Oct–June: Training & mentoring students to create multimedia content
  • Nov–June: Professional development resources for educators
  • Jan–June: Interactive webinars with climate experts & students
  • Feb-April: Open-access storytelling student contest


The collaboration between News Decoder and the Climate Academy ensures a strong transdisciplinary dimension — straddling literacy/language, environmental science, global citizenship education, art and design — and offers a variety of tools for teaching and learning.

The project offers enriching educational opportunities and cross-border interaction. It leverages the expertise and assets of the two partner organisations to engage with schools, students and educators across Europe and beyond.

If you’re interested in bringing WoW to your school, please complete this form:

To follow project activities and events, sign up for the WoW newsletter:

Sign-up for the WoW Newsletter

Co-funded by the European Union  •  Project code: 2021-1-BE01-KA210-SCH-000032393 

Timelapse of students painting “The Writing’s on the Wall” mural at European School Brussels II

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Leading organisations:

News Decoder Logo Tag


Global Youth News Media logo square

Download our program leaflet below:

The Writing’s on the Wall
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