By Léa Namouni

I expected no one to show up to the Women’s March on Saturday. The first Women’s March last year was so unbelievably crowded, I didn’t think it would happen again.

On the train to New York’s Penn Station, my mom and I were the only ones sporting “pussy hats” and holding signs.

After getting off the train in New York, I was surprised to suddenly come across crowds of people chanting and holding signs. Once inside the crowd, I realized how many different types of people had shown up to march. People of all genders, ages, races, ethnic groups and sexualities attended.

They marched for the rights of women, immigrants and the LGBTQ community, for the recognition of climate change and the validity of science, and against sexual harassment.

People were chanting so loudly, “This is what democracy looks like,” and “Donald Trump has got to go.”

Although we had to wait in the cold for three hours, there was so much energy in the crowd. It was unbelievable to see so many people marching passionately for their beliefs. 

I decided to document the event so people could see the perspective of those who marched and get an idea what this amazing event was like.

Léa Namouni is a third-year student at Princeton Day School in the United States. She was born in Paris, France, and lived there until the age of five when her family relocated to the state of New Jersey. She is interested in politics and science.

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Donald TrumpWomen’s March 2018: Above my expectations
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